Very good explanation from Special Education attorney, James R. Gallini, on how IEPs are to be implemented & services offered during school closures. From Texas Education Agency (TEA)-If schools are closed, but the LEA continues to provide educational opportunities to the general student population during the closure, such as via a virtual platform, the school must ensure that students with disabilities also have equal access to the same opportunities, including the provision of FAPE. The LEA must ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, each student with a disability can be provided the special education and related services identified in the student’s IEP. If a school continues to provide instruction to the general school population during an extended closure due to a disaster, but is not able to provide services to a student with a disability in accordance with the student’s IEP, the student’s ARD committee determines which services can be provided to appropriately meet the student’s needs. The ARD committee may meet by teleconference or other means (if all members are able) to determine if some, or all, of the identified services can be provided through alternate or additional methods.