1/18/20-Parent Empowerment Workshop Dominique Cares Presentation: Special Education The Basics
2/8/20-Texas Parent to Parent East Texas Parent Conference Presentation: Special Education in the 21st Century
5/26/20-Autism in Black, Inc., Presentation: COVID 19 & Your Child’s IEP or 504 Plan
Presentation: Appropriate Planning for Academic Success-Post COVID
Presentation: Appropriate Planning for Academic Success
Presentation: Appropriate Planning for Academic Success
Presentation: Importance of Data Collection in the IEP Progress
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs
Presentation: Special Education in the 21st Century & During A Pandemic
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs
Presentation: Special Education-The Basics
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs
Presentation: Navigating the Special Education Process-Special Education Basics
Presentation: Appropriate Planning for Academic Success
Presentation: Special Education The Basics
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs
Presentation: Appropriate Transition Planning
Presentation: Navigating the Special Education Process-Special Education Basics
Presentation: Appropriate Planning for Academic Success
Presentation: Developing Community Resources & Partnerships
Presentation: Understanding Your Child’s IEP
Presentation: Transition Planning 101
Quality Schools International Podcast
Presentation: How to Turn A Psychoeducational Evaluation Into A Good IEP
Presentation: Strength-Based IEPs-Not Deficit Based
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Technique
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: Summer IEP Tips
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
8/24/24-Black Collective Advocacy Network Conference/Breaking Barriers
Presentation: The Art of Parent Input: Effective Parent Input Techniques
3/8/25-COPAA Annual Conference
Presentation: How To Create Strength Based IEPs
Please contact us at 214-799-6322 or personalizedlearningsolutions@gmail.com for more information.